LCHS week in sports🐾 Come out and support the Dawgs!
over 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Week in sports
Come out and support the DAWGS!
over 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Week in Sports
🐾Homecoming 2019 sneak peak
over 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Class of 2021
Class of 2023
Class of 2022
Class of 2020
Homecoming Announcement: Just a reminder that decorations need to remain up after skits today for the Homecoming Dance which is Saturday 7pm-10pm. Sunday Decoration Clean Up: Freshman & Sophomores 1:00-2:00 Juniors & Seniors 2:00-3:00 At 2:30 the seniors will begin to give decorations away so if any classes want anything stay until then.
over 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Homecoming 2019
Homecoming Week 2019🐾 Dress up for today was Cowboy vs Rockstar
over 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Cowboy vs Rockstar
🐾Homecoming Week 2019🐾 Dress up for today was Hobo vs Business
over 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Hobo vs Business
Hobo vs Business
Hobo Vs Business
🐾Homecoming Week 2019🐾 Today was young vs old both groups were represented well🐾
over 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Young vs Old
Come support the Dawgs🐾
over 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Week in Sports
ESS tutoring is currently available for LCHS students.
over 5 years ago, Christy Moore
ESS schedule
Come support the Dawgs!!
over 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Week in Sports
Homecoming Supply Drive #2
over 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Supply Drive #2
LCHS Homecoming is fast approaching. Check out the upcoming homecoming festivities schedule to help with your planning.
over 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Homecoming festivities
LCHS Sports for the week of Aug 26-31
over 5 years ago, Christy Moore
LCHS week in sports
LCHS Powder Puff has been scheduled for September 3, 2019
over 5 years ago, Christy Moore
LCHS Powder Puff 2019
STUDENTS: Make sure you join your class page on Google Classroom. Google Classroom accounts are used for voting for student elections, school and scholarship announcements. Class or 2023 - 1zy531 Class of 2022 - tlcg8q Class of 2021 - pt067da Class of 2020 - kytzkge
over 5 years ago, Christy Moore
LCHS Homecoming Dance Semi-formal September 14, 2019 7pm-11pm Tickets $10
over 5 years ago, Christy Moore
LCHS Homecoming Flyer
Come out and support the Dawgs!
over 5 years ago, Christy Moore
LCHS sports
ATTENTION JR Parents: FREE ACT Oct 26 LCHS has been selected to participate in an online study for ACT. As a result JR students have the opportunity to take the ACT at NO COST on Oct 26. 50 students MUST sign up. Info and sign ups were shared in JR English Class.
over 5 years ago, Christy Moore
School pictures have been scheduled! Underclassmen pictures will be August 21, 2019
over 5 years ago, Christy Moore
LCHS Picture Day
It's time for Fall Sports at LCHS! Come out and support the Bulldogs!
over 5 years ago, Christy Moore
August 12-17, 2019 Week in Sports