LCHS Class of 2020 Senior Spotlight Alexis Carter
almost 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Alexis Carter
LCHS Class of 2020 Senior Spotlight Alexandria Piper
almost 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Alexandria Piper
LCHS Class of 2020 Senior Spotlight Alexandra Thornsbury
almost 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Alexandra Thornsbury
LCHS Class of 2020 Senior Spotlight Alex Ratliff
almost 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Alex Ratliff
LCHS Class of 2020 Senior Spotlight Abigail Thornsberry
almost 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Abigail Thornsberry
LCHS Class of 2020 Senior Spotlight Abby Hughes
almost 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Abby Hughes
LCHS Class of 2020 Senior Spotlight Aaron Franks
almost 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Aaron Franks
Starting today we will be recognizing the LCHS Class of 2020 on FaceBook, Twitter and LCHS Website. Each day 8 members of the Class of 2020 will be spotlighted. Thank you Ms. Dheel for helping recognize the Class of 2020!!
almost 5 years ago, Christy Moore
-LCHS Band Strawberry Order Update- Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the LCHS Band had to cancel the strawberry orders. If you placed an order with LCHS Band for strawberries these checks will be available 10:00am-2:00pm on Thursday and Friday April 16 and 17. Please make arrangements to pickup your check from LCHS at one of these times.
almost 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Lawrence County Schools NTI Resources Page Expect additions and we do requests!
almost 5 years ago, Michael Muncy
This message is for Seniors LCHS would like to recognize each member of the Class of 2020. Please go to the Class of 2020 Google Classroom page and fill out Ms. Dheel’s questionnaire. Each senior will be spotlighted individually on Twitter, Facebook and the school website.
almost 5 years ago, Christy Moore
LCHS Mass Media and David Prince have a special edition of the LC News looking at the effects of the Corona Virus on students at LCHS.
almost 5 years ago, Christy Moore
--Dual Credit Announcement for 2020-21-- We are happy to announce that Lawrence County High School has been accepted into the University of Kentucky’s Next Gen Scholars program. This will allow us to provide dual credit courses to students that do not meet some of the benchmark criteria normally needed to take such courses. As with any dual credit class, KHEAA will cover two courses through the dual credit scholarship. Possible courses will include College Algebra (MA 109), Introduction to Music (MUS 100), and Composition and Communication (CIS 110). If you have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 and are interested in this opportunity, please email Mr. Johnson at:
almost 5 years ago, Christy Moore
LCHS has partnered with Ashland Community and Technical College to increase opportunities for our students, a step toward personalized learning. Special Thanks to Mr. David Prince and Mass Media for creating the video!
almost 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Lawrence County Schools will be offering FREE breakfast and lunch for all kids 18 and under March 16th -April 3rd at BES, FES, LEES and LMS. This will be a drive-thru service to allow easy pick-up of meals.
almost 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Lunch Schedule COVID-19
Mr. Hammond, LCHS Choir teacher, took 25 students to represent LCHS Choir to KMEA All-District. Great Job LCHS Choir!!
almost 5 years ago, Christy Moore
KMEA All-District
LCHS will have NEW breakfast items next week!!! Checkout the new menu items that will be offered in the LCHS cafeteria
almost 5 years ago, Christy Moore
It's always phishing season in email land. Think before you send random folks your Cell # or other information.
almost 5 years ago, Michael Muncy
Scam Alert
The Senior Wall is up🐾 Thank you Mrs Cecil for recognizing the Class of 2020 and their achievements!
about 5 years ago, Christy Moore
Class of 2020
LCHS Career Technical Education: Personalized Learning Group recognized at board meeting February 18, 2020.
about 5 years ago, Christy Moore
CTE Board Presentation