Today, Feb 15, 2023, is School Resource Officer Appreciation Day! Thank you to Officer Musick for all he does for LC Schools! We appreciate you!
about 2 years ago, Sarah Gauze
The LCHS Bio-Medical Class attended the Gross Anatomy Lab at the University Of Kentucky on Friday, February 10, 2023. The students had a physiology presentation with Dr. Frazier and an anatomy presentation with Dr. Franklin. #AllinLC @All_in_LC @LCHSBioMed
about 2 years ago, Sarah Gauze
Character Counts! Kindness Matters! #AllinLC @All_in_LC
about 2 years ago, Sarah Gauze
Attention! The 2023 LC Schools calendar has changed! The dates of Feb 24, Mar 10, and Mar 24, 2023, will now be regular school attendance days for students and teachers. The last day of school for students has changed to May 19th, 2023! #AllinLC @All_in_LC
about 2 years ago, Sarah Gauze
Calendar Change
The LCHS Pre-Nursing program is hosting a blood drive on February 17, 2023. THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY! Participants must be in good general health, be 16 years old, and weigh 110+ pounds. Students must have ID and permission slips must be signed.
about 2 years ago, Sarah Gauze
LCHS Blood Drive
The Spring LCHS Blood Drive will be held on Friday, Feb 17, 2023! This event is open to the community! Students must be healthy, 16 years old, weigh 110+ pounds, and must have their ID/permission slips signed. Please pick up permission slips from Ms. Adams! #AllinLC @All_in_LC
about 2 years ago, Sarah Gauze
LCHS Blood Drive
Friday, February 10, 2023 is a scheduled professional development day for school staff. It is NOT an attendance day for students. In short, staff will report to school tomorrow, students will not. #AllinLC
about 2 years ago, Dr. Robbie Fletcher
Character Counts! Kindness! Care for the needs and feelings of others! #AllinLC @All_in_LC
about 2 years ago, Sarah Gauze
CC Kindness
LC Schools will be closed on Friday, February 10, 2023! This will be a Professional Development day for our teachers. School will resume on Monday, February 13, 2023! #AllinLC @AllinLC
about 2 years ago, Sarah Gauze
School Closure
Lawrence County Schools is celebrating Family Resource & Youth Service Center Appreciation Week of Feb 6-10, 2023! We are spotlighting FRYSC Coordinator, Ms. Anne Preece, and FRYSC Assistant, Ms. LuAnn Kelly at Louisa Middle & Lawrence County High Schools. #AllinLC @All_in_LC
about 2 years ago, Sarah Gauze
Preece Kelly
LC Schools Recognize National School Counseling Week! Feb 6-10, 2023! Ms. Larisa Skaggs, Lawrence County High School Guidance Counselor @AllinLC @All_in_LC
about 2 years ago, Sarah Gauze
LCHS Larisa Skaggs
LC Schools Recognize National School Counseling Week! Feb 6-10, 2023! Mr. Scott Johnson, Lawrence County High School Guidance Counselor @AllinLC @All_in_LC
about 2 years ago, Sarah Gauze
LCHS Scott Johnson
National School Counseling Week! Feb 6-10, 2023! Mr. Scott Johnson, LCHS Guidance Counselor @AllinLC @All_in_LC
about 2 years ago, Myram Brady
Counselor 2
Family Resource and Youth Services Coordinators Appreciation Week Feb 6-10, 2023! Mrs. Anne Preece, LCHS FRYSC Coordinator @AllinLC @All_in_LC
about 2 years ago, Myram Brady
Family Resource and Youth Services Coordinators Appreciation Week Feb 6-10, 2023! Mrs. Anne Preece, LCHS FRYSC Coordinator @AllinLC @All_in_LC
about 2 years ago, Myram Brady
National School Counseling Week! Feb 6-10, 2023! Mrs. Larisa Skaggs, LCHS Guidance Counselor @AllinLC @All_in_LC
about 2 years ago, Myram Brady
National School Counseling Week! Feb 6-10, 2023! Mr. Scott Johnson, LCHS Guidance Counselor @AllinLC @All_in_LC
about 2 years ago, Myram Brady
School Counselor
If you are planning to travel to Betsy Layne for tonight’s district game, US23 is closed. Police officials are routing vehicles onto Rt. 1428 to Rt. 80. Leave a little extra time for your trip. #AllinLC
about 2 years ago, Dr. Robbie Fletcher
Congratulations to the LCHS Pre-Nursing students who recently received their certification in Basic Life Support (BLS)! #AllinLC @All_in_LC
about 2 years ago, Sarah Gauze
LC Pre-Nursing BLS Certified
Lawrence County Schools will have an NTI Day tomorrow, February 1, 2023. (Wednesday). #AllinLC.
about 2 years ago, Dr. Robbie Fletcher