Mrs. Prince working on addition in preschool!
Next week!
The Winter Choral Concert will take place at Louisa United Methodist Church next Tuesday, December the 10th @7:00 PM. Please join in celebrating this wonderful time of year! Admission is free!
Five Physics Experiments for the Holidays | Physics Girl
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our students and families!
A big thank you to LCHS FFA for visiting our school today!
Scavenger hunt in 7th grade math.
Math stations in 3rd grade!
Please spread the word!
8th grade students are selling shirts to help raise money for their end of the year trip. If you would like to purchase one, get in touch with an 8th grade student or middle school teacher!
Congrats to our girls basketball team! Way to go girls and coaches!
Dance on Friday, September 27th!
Kentucky Power's Big Sandy Plant has donated $500 to the Fallsburg Family Resource Center for its Readifest activities and fall school kickoff. The grant is Act of Appreciation No. 71. We are committed to completing 100 this year as we celebrate our 100th anniversary. #KY100