Lawrence County Board of Education
Regular Meeting: October 21, 2024
FES at 6:00 PM
The Lawrence County Board of Education held its regular meeting at Fallsburg Elementary School library on October 21, 2024, at 6:00 PM. Board members Jim See (Chairman), Maddlene Roberts (Vice-Chair), Barbara Robinson, Garnett Skaggs, and Susie Rice were all present and in person.
Mr. See called the meeting to order. The board approved a motion to amend the agenda to include several unincluded items.
In FES student and staff presentations/recognitions:
· Mrs. Webb led a moment of silence for two former LC School employees. The first is Angel Chaffins, who previously worked at FES. She served as the food service manager for several years. Mrs. Ronda Colvin commented, “Angel was full of life, fun, and a happy person.” Several other audience members commented on Mrs. Chaffins' wonderful personality. The second, Ms. Evelyn Vanhorn, worked at the FES FRYSC for fourteen years. Mrs. Colvin commented, “Ms. Vanhorn loved her job and the students.”
· Mrs. Sara Kise, FES Principal, led the staff and student spotlight. Mrs. Kise first introduced Genius Hour, a new program designed to work with students who have tested at high levels or students who have received a nomination. This Program, which is held once a week, allows these students to work on projects based on their interests, fostering their creativity and passion for learning.
· Mrs. Pack attended an out-of-town event and provided a video explaining her role as the FES Math Coach. The video provided information on the various teaching methods, student thinking, and learning changes.
· Mr. McDavid discussed a new program the school has implemented, Class Bank! This innovative program promotes financial literacy, good behavior, attendance, and academic success among our students. Students have funds added or deducted, depending on their performance, and they can spend their rewards at the classroom store. They may be rewarded with an end-of-the-year field trip if they perform well throughout the year.
In Communications, Mrs. Webb gave the Superintendent’s update:
· Mrs. Webb discussed the recently released KY State Assessment results. There were several celebration points! LC Schools, including FES, Blaine Middle, and LEES, increased to green status. LCHS obtained blue/green status for postsecondary readiness, graduation rates, and safety/climate ratings.
· The LCHS Boys Soccer Team was the 15th Regional Champions! The LMS Football team competed in the first round of the state competition. The FES, LEES, and BES girls' basketball teams competed in the EKEBC Championships, with the Blaine C-Team and Louisa East A-Team winning the championship in their division. The LEES B-Team were runners-up!
· The first round of classroom walkthroughs is taking place this month. LCHS and LMS are complete, and the other schools have been scheduled for their walkthroughs. In a walkthrough, every classroom is visited for around 15 minutes. The questioning techniques and student collaboration are noted. A Google form is used to help with the debriefing with the principal.
· LC Schools are expanding their dual credit and career-technical opportunities at LCHS, including computer science, nursing, fire science, and dentistry.
· Fall Bridge Day brought eighth graders across the district together! This event is a significant opportunity for students to get to know one another and learn about the new computer science technology pathway offered at LCHS, fostering a sense of community and excitement about their future learning opportunities.
· LCHS also hosted its Science Night, featuring its new technology pathway, the outdoor classroom, and various experiments by the chemistry class. The grand finale was the chemistry class's exploding pumpkins!
· Three Rivers Medical Center extends an invitation to their 50th Anniversary Celebration, 1974-2024! Congratulations to our Community Partner in “Celebrating 50 Years of Caring!”
There were no public comments.
In Student Learning and Support Services:
· The LC Board approved the Minutes of the Sept 16, 2024, Regular Meeting and Minutes of the Sept 24, 2024, Special Meeting & Working Budget Work Session.
· The LC Board approved various Claims and Orders of the Treasurer. This included federal programs, such as View Sonic interactive boards/monitors. Also, Career & Technical exploration kits are available for eighth-grade students. They can explore veterinary tech, dentistry, criminal justice, cosmetology, and barber career paths.
· Terrace Metrics surveys are given to students in grades 3-12 twice a year. These surveys provide information on social and emotional health, and counselors can work with students dealing with these issues. We want to thank Mr. Maynard for obtaining a year-long grant, which helped lower the program's cost and allowed us to help our students better throughout the school year.
· The LC Board approved the Monthly Financial Report.
· Mrs. Brandi Peters presented the Monthly Financial Report
Beginning Balance: $7,546,281
Total Revenue for Aug: $1,518,494
Expenditures for Aug: $2,603,526
Fund 1 Cash Balance for Aug: $ 640,837
Ending Balance for Aug: $6,447,890
Balance sheets reflect the balance of each fund as of September 30, 2024. *Expenditures exceed revenue due to construction costs and ARP Esser costs being paid out.
In the Annual Financial Report (ARF) Fiscal Year 2023-2024:
· The LC Board approved Table the Acceptance of the 2023-2024 LC School District Audited Annual Financial Report, presented by Darrell Blair, CPA, Wells & Company, P.S.C.
· The LC Board approved Table the Acceptance of the 2023-2024 LC School District Audited Annual Financial Report (AFR) from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024.
The LC Board approved the LC Board of Education Public Funds for Public Schools Resolution.
In the Consent Agenda:
· The LC Board approved the Consent Agenda items, including adding a Law Enforcement Agreement with the Sheriff of Lawrence County for two School Resource Officers. There were also several student trips and Use of Facility items.
In Contracts/Service:
There were several Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with UK Cooperative Extension for free nutrition services. Another with EKU is for student teaching. A third between the UK’s College of Dentistry and the Pathway for Dentistry Project through Oct 31, 2025. A final MOU between Big Sandy Community and Technical College for dual credit purposes. A renewal of the Walsworth Yearbook purchase agreement in the amount of $10,326. The board approved accepting FY2025 KES First Offer of Assistance for Education Technology for $24,039, with an equal match by the district. The board approved several more contracts.
In Requests:
· The Use of Facilities request was tabled because more information was needed. Several out-of-state trips were approved. The board permitted several schools to apply for grants, programs, and conferences.
In Construction/Building & Grounds Projects/Updates:
· An invoice for $10,703.54 for professional services was approved by RossTarrant Architects from Sept 1 to Sept 30, 2024.
· An invoice for $344,435.43 for work performed on the LCHS Vocational Education Center Renovation & Expansion Phase 1 includes contractors, material suppliers, and construction manager invoices.
· A change order was issued to Sprayfoam Technologies of KY for the total of $3,529.61 for adding accent paint to the duct in the carpentry lab.
· An invoice for $6,057.16 for professional services by RossTarrant Architects for the Louisa Middle School Roof Replacement Project from Sept 1 to Sept 30, 2024.
· An invoice for $92,497.99 for work performed on the Louisa Middle School Roof Replacement includes contractors, material suppliers, and construction manager invoices.
· The LC Board approved permission to bid Leased Lit Network Capacity to provide Standalone Data Transmission (WAN) Services between BES, FES, LEES, and LWES and the network head-end (Technology Building).
· The LC Board Approved a voluntary one-year extension of the district’s contract with STEP CG, LLC (STEP), as the service provides for the Operation, Management, and Monitoring of Broadband LAN/WLAN components.
In Review of the 2023-2024 State Assessment Results:
· Mrs. Webb discussed how Fallsburg Elementary, Blain Middle, and Louisa East Elementary were green-status schools! This is a great accomplishment for these schools, their students, and their staff. LCHS scored in blue/green in post-secondary readiness, graduation rates, and safety/climate. LC Schools had no school projecting an orange or red status.
The board approved the declaration of surplus in food service for a 39-year-old oven. They also approved a Shortened Week Waiver and an Amended Shortened Day/Week Waiver, both for special needs students, at the recommendation of the Director of Special Education, Rhonda Colvin, and Superintendent Webb. At the recommendation of Superintendent Webb, a motion was approved for an additional purchase authorization for one bus, for a total of three buses, by leasing/financing through the KY Interlocal School Transportation Association (KISTA).
In Personnel, board members approved:
· The abolishment, creation, and position changes.
· To add an updated page 11 to the 2024-2025 LC Schools Salary Schedule from previous board action.
In the Superintendent Professional Growth and Evaluation:
· In Standard 2, Instructional Leadership, the focus has been placed on values and leadership toward teaching and learning. This summer, the district held the LC Principal Retreat for three days and Professional Development sessions for teaching staff. The LCPLC was held to help staff attend sessions based on need and interest. The district also utilizes the resources from KVEC and KEDC. We are also involved with UK Next Gen and the LETRS programs.
· Mrs. Webb gave her final update on the 30/60/90 progress. The district walkthroughs are being completed for all schools. There has been a push to target instructional leadership by providing and assigning mentors to our first—and second-year teachers. Our district also holds monthly District Managers, Administrators, and Principals (DMAP) meetings to discuss the district's needs.
The board approved acknowledging the receipt of the Superintendent’s Personnel Action/Update.
Mr. See adjourned the meeting.
The next Regular School Board Meeting will be held on Monday, November 18, 2024, at 6:00 PM in the LCHS library. All residents are always invited to attend the Lawrence County Board Meetings to become aware of the issues affecting our students and schools. The meetings may also be viewed virtually through the public viewing link. A copy of the most recent Lawrence County Board agendas and meetings may be found on the current Lawrence County District webpage at