Lawrence County Board of Education
Regular Meeting
September 16, 202
LCHS at 6:00 PM
The Lawrence County Board of Education held its regular meeting at Lawrence County High School in the library on September 16, 2024, at 6:00 PM. Board members Jim See (Chairman), Maddlene Roberts (Vice-Chair), Barbara Robinson, Garnett Skaggs, and Susie Rice were all present in person.
Mr. See called to order the meeting. The board approved the agenda.
In students and staff presentations and recognitions:
· Mrs. Webb highlighted *Gold Star*: LCHS Cadets and Instructors, Col. John Turner and Sgt. John Runyon was awarded the JROTC Honor Unit with Distinction in their most recent program accreditation.
· Ms. Sara Kise, FES principal, was recognized for three years of service on the KDE Principal Advisory Committee.
· Mrs. Jennifer Rose, LC Schools psychologist, was awarded the 2024 KY Association for Psychology in the Schools (KAPS) KVEC-KEDC Regional Best Practice Award.
In communications, Mrs. Webb gave the Superintendent’s update.
· Mrs. Webb praised the LC Schools SRO and Local and State Law Enforcement for their professionalism and thoroughness in serving LC Schools, students, and staff! Mr. John Akers of the Center for Safe Schools was present during the meeting via online communications. He discussed several school tragedies and the implementation of safer practices. Mrs. Webb has set in motion for the development of a Safety Committee to be comprised of a LC Board Member, a law enforcement member, a teacher, a classified employee, a parent, and a community representative. The committee would work to discuss and implement safer practices within our school district.
· The CTE Fire Science students received Basic Life Support certification from the American Heart Association, including AED and CPR.
· LCHS art teacher, Mrs. Brown and her students completed three murals at Rebel Outfitters in downtown Louisa.
· The LC School District received a dividend payment from workers’ compensation of $22,181.82 due to a low number of claims.
· Mrs. Webb provided an update on the new superintendent training events that all first-year superintendents must complete.
In public comments,
· Ms. Roberta Cantrell discussed offering a class for LCHS students. She proposed working with LCHS English teachers to complete a page in the Big Sandy newspaper. Mrs. Cantrell offered her services to work with the students to write news story material and gain sponsors.
· Mr. Ken Akers presented his concerns on school safety. He explained his desire for the school system to continue working to make the campus and buildings as safe as possible. Mrs. Webb introduced the development of an LC School Safety Committee that will be created to expand safe school practices throughout our campuses and buildings.
In student learning and support services:
· The board approved the Minutes of the August 19, 2024, Regular Meeting.
· Approved the Claims and Orders of the Treasurer. These included work on the LC track/tennis courts and instruments for the band.
· Mrs. Brandi Peters presented the Monthly Financial Report
Beginning Balance: $5,675,446
Total Revenue for Aug: $5,111,904
Expenditures for Aug: $2,804,969
Fund 1 Cash Balance for Aug: $1,162,232
Ending Balance for Aug: $7,546,281
Balance sheets reflect the balance of each fund as of August 31, 2024.
· A special meeting was set for September 24, 2024, at 6:00 PM for a work session and approval of the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Working Budget.
In the Consent Agenda:
· The Typsey typing program allows students to learn the essential life skills of keyboarding. The program has a subscription with a four-year term. There was a discussion about additional fees that may be required to continue the program subscription.
· A Memorandum of Agreement with the LC Board of Education for Supplemental CTE funds for $368,921.
· A Student Affiliation Agreement with LC School District with TRMC & Clinics for High School Early College and Release Program (ABA2 Grant) for students in clinical training.
· There were many fundraising requests, out-of-state trip requests, and use of facilities requests.
· Mr. Matt Maynard requested permission to apply for the KySTE grant.
· Approved to accept donations for Elevate Early Learning Collaborative with the Johnson County Public Library with $37,100 and Catalpa Freewill Baptist Church with $1,000 for the backpack program.
In Construction/Building & Grounds Projects/Updates,
· An invoice for $7,805.21 for professional services by RossTarrant Architects for the LCHS Vocational Center Phase 1 BG: 22-146.
· An invoice for $372,481.38 for work performed by Codell Construction for work performed on the LCHS Vocational Education Center.
· A change order for $9,144.17 to Rising Sun Developing Company for site drainage and grading.
· A change order for $3,435.65 to Infinity Design and Construction Group for underused utilities and fixtures in the greenhouse.
· A change order for $17,562.74 to Infinity Design and Construction Group for revised greenhouse drainage per code.
· An invoice for $5,870.90 for professional services by RossTarrant Architects for the LMS Roof Replacement.
· Approved Codell Construction Pay Application 1 for $108,890.94 for work performed on the LMS Roof Replacement, which includes contractors, material suppliers, and construction manager invoices.
In Other Action:
· Approved the LC Schools’ participation in the KY United We Learn Council’s Study Phase of future assessment and accountability system prototypes. Thirty-six school districts are participating in revamping the student assessment system.
· Approved to confirm the Letter of Summary of Auditing Services by Wells & Company, P.S.C., for the 23-24 fiscal year, not to exceed $23,500.
· Approved the use of KDE Indirect Costs Rates for the Fiscal Year 2024-2025.
· Approved permission to bid for door lock equipment, restroom stall repair/replacement materials/installation. This would include locks, stall doors, and dividers for our entire school district, including concession stands and football bathrooms.
· Approved the information provided within the KETS FY24 Technology Activity Report (TAR) and its submission to KDE. This must have board approval before being submitted to KDE.
· Approved 2024-2025 LEES student fees requested, as approved by the SMDM Council. This includes Chromebook damage fees, locks, and field trips.
· Approved to select School Board Member representative, Susie Rice, to serve on the District Improvement Plan Committee.
· Approved accepting the recommendation of the Superintendent on the appointment of the members of the District Improvement Plan Committee. Members may include principals, site-based members, parents, teachers, class presidents, and community members.
· Approved to acknowledge receipt of KRS 158.183, which details the rights of students, and KRS 158.185, regarding the national motto and various historical documents.
· Approved to enter Executive Session for Students/Discipline/Expulsion Hearings for discussion.
· Approved to return to Open Session.
· Approved School Safety & Health Management Plans for BES, FES, LWES, LEES, LMS, and LCHS).
In New Business:
· There was no new business.
In Personnel:
· Approved the abolishment, creation, and changes regarding positions.
· Approved updated page to the 24-25 LC Schools Salary Schedule from previous board action.
· Approved updated page to the 24-25 LC Schools Salary Schedule from previous board action.
· Superintendent Professional Growth & Evaluation: Katie H. Webb
-Standard 3: Cultural Leadership
Mrs. Webb discussed continuing to strengthen teamwork within our staff and schools. A three-day retreat was held for our school principals and assistant principals. Mrs. Webb participated in 25 onboarding interviews. The KSBA Summative Institute and the KASA Summer Conferences were attended during July. The implementation of birthday calls and texts for all our employees in the district is a priority. Our employees are people of value and great worth to LC Schools. As you can see, it was a busy start to the new school year, with several Readifest programs also occurring in many of our schools. The Back to School Prayer was a highly attended community event. The annual Back to School Breakfast was held for our faculty and staff. As the new school year began, Mrs. Webb made it a point to be at a different school every morning when she was not required to attend meetings. She is also becoming more familiar with the school bus routes by LC Transportation Director, Mr. Blackburn. Mrs. Webb rides the school bus with Mr. Blackburn on scheduled mornings. Mr. Blackburn relays information about the various aspects of the individual routes within the county.
- 30/60/90 Day Update- Mrs. Webb presented the LC Board Members with a pamphlet on the collective update.
· Approved acknowledgment of receipt of Superintendent’s Personnel Action/Update
Mr. See adjourned the meeting.
There will be a Special Meeting for the Working Budget on September 24, 2024, at 6:00 PM at the LCHS Library.
The next Regular School Board Meeting will be held on Monday, October 21, 2024, at 6:00 PM at Fallsburg Elementary School. All residents are always invited to attend the Lawrence County Board Meetings to become aware of the issues affecting our students and schools. The meetings may also be viewed virtually through the public viewing link. A copy of the most recent Lawrence County Board agendas and meetings may be found on the current Lawrence County District webpage at