LC Board

Lawrence County Board of Education

     Regular Meeting

July 15, 2024

LCHS at 6:00 PM

The Lawrence County Board of Education held its regular meeting at Lawrence County High School in the library on July 15, 2024, at 6:00 PM. Board members Jim See (Chairman), Maddlene Roberts (Vice-Chair), Barbara Robinson, Garnett Skaggs, and Susie Rice were all present in person. 

Mr. See called the meeting to order. The board welcomed our new LC Superintendent, Mrs. Katie Webb, and approved amendments to the agenda. Mrs. Webb introduced the newly selected Chief Academic Officer, Ms. Brady, and the Director of Federal Programs, Mr. Matthew Maynard. Mrs. Courtney Kingsmore was also recently chosen as the new Louisa West Elementary School Principal. 

In communications, Mrs. Webb gave the Superintendent's update. 

·      The LC Fiscal Court has generously donated $49,000 toward the anti-drug and positive life choices curriculum. Mrs. Webb thanked Mrs. Brady and the LCHS counseling staff for working with the Fiscal Court on this progress.

·       LC Schools have been selected for a multi-county KEDC apprenticeship grant. This grant will provide LCHS students with career counseling and apprenticeships.

·       Mrs. Webb attended the KASA Superintendents Summit in late June.

·       Mrs. Webb also participated in the KASA induction program for First-Year Superintendents.  This program described the evaluation process in depth.  Mrs. Webb shared that she will be providing a digital portfolio of accomplished standards and goals.

·      The first day of the LC Schools Principal Retreat was held on July 9, 2024, along with two additional days planned for the retreat.

·       LC Food Service, with manager Kyla McCoy, hosted the Annual Northeast Regional Food Service Conference, which will be held at LCHS on July 31, 2024.

·      FES and LWES received math grants, for each school to receive a math coach for their students.

The LC Board approved the minutes of the 2024 Regular Meeting on Student Learning and Support Services.

The treasurer's claims and orders included updated insurance costs and other items. Finance Officer Brandi Peters presented the Monthly Financial Report.  The beginning balance was $5,919,419.   The total revenue for the month of May was $3,036,667.  The expenditures for the month totaled $4,659,967.  The Fund 1 cash balance for May was $1,251,941.  The ending balance of all funds for May was $5,065,187. 

The consent agenda included many MOAs, renewal agreements, and memberships.   The LC Foodservice renewed its National School Lunch Program (NSLP).  The 2024-2025 Frontline Technologies Group LLC was renewed in the amount of $59,259.95.  The Apex Learning Digital districtwide curriculum was renewed in the amount of $$27,117.  There were multiple contracts approved for the Special Education Department Services, including physical therapy, mobility services, psychological services, and speech language services.  There were many requests for fundraising activities from various school programs and organizations.

In construction/building & grounds project updates:

·       Invoice approved for the professional services by RossTarrant Architects for the LCHS Vocational Center in the amount of $4,088.87.

·       Invoice approved for Codell Construction Pay Estimate 8 in a total of $464.784.51.

·       Invoice approved for the special inspection services for the LCHS Vocational Education Center by Solid Ground Construction Engineers in the amount of $20,787.50.

·      The board members discussed the LCHS upper bleacher repair and replacement estimates. The issue was tabled to obtain more information and price estimates.

·       Invoice approved for the professional services by RossTarrant Architects for the Softball Facilities Project in the amount of $128.90.

·       Invoice approved for the LMS Roof Replacement services by Lynn Imaging in the amount of $1,865.92.

·       Approved the LMS Roof Replacement, with construction manager Codell Construction, Kalkreth Roofing, and Sheet Metal, Inc., to be added to the agenda.

In another action, The LC Board of Education approved the recess of the Regular Board Meeting to convene the LC School District Finance Corporation Special Meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to approve the Change of Registered Office and confirm the new LC Superintendent, Katie H. Webb, as the LC School District Finance Corporation Registered Agent. They also approved the Annual Report filing fee of $15.00.

The board approved to re-convene to the Regular Board Meeting.

The LC Board approved the lone bid for banking services/depositories for the Fiscal Year 2025. They also approved the district schools' school fees for the upcoming school year, along with multiple beginning-of-the-year requests, schedules, revised policies, and job descriptions.

Mrs. Webb discussed the Superintendent's Professional Growth and Evaluation with the board members, focusing on the seven standards/goals. She elaborated on plans and strategies for fulfilling each standard/goal.

The board approved the receipt of the Superintendent’s Personnel Action/Update.

Mr. See, LC Board Chairman, adjourned the meeting.

The next Regular School Board Meeting will be held on August 19, 2024, at the LCHS library at 6:00 PM. All residents are always invited to attend the Lawrence County Board Meetings to become aware of the issues affecting our students and schools. The meetings may also be viewed virtually through the public viewing link. A copy of the most recent Lawrence County Board agendas and meetings may be found on the current Lawrence County District webpage at