Lawrence County Board of Education
Regular Meeting
December 18, 2023
LCHS at 6:00 PM
The Lawrence County Board of Education held its regular meeting at Lawrence County High School in the library on December 18, 2023, at 6:00 PM. Board members Jim See (Chairman), Barbara Robinson, Garnett Skaggs, and Susie Rice were all present in person.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. See. The first order of business was to amend the agenda, which was approved. The board approved the absence of Ms. Maddlene Roberts (Vice-Chair), due to her being out of town.
Next, the student and staff presentations/recognitions were presented. Dr. Fletcher requested a moment of silence for past LC School educator, Mr. Richard Sanford (Sam) Lyon. Mr. Lyon served as the principal at Fallsburg Elementary School and at Lawrence County High School. He retired in 2000 after 34 years in education. Mr. Lyon was remembered as a fair, firm, and consistent educator. There were many people at the meeting who shared their positive, personal experiences of Mr. Lyon. Next, Mr. See recognized the fact that Ms. Susie Rice was sworn in as the official LC Board member for District 4: East & West Meadowbrook prior to the Board meeting. Ms. Pamela Howell, Notary, presided over the ceremony.
In communications, the Superintendent's Update was presented by Dr. Fletcher.
- The KY Next-Gen group recently worked with LC Schools’ staff on developing performance indicators for the Portrait of a Learner.
- The KY Center for School Safety conducted safety evaluations at LMS and LCHS with positive comments. A formal report will be available soon. The goal is to keep improving school safety. The group interviewed 126 people, with all feeling safe in their school environment.
- The Dolly Parton Imagination Library roster has crossed over the 400 active participants milestone. LC Schools would like to thank our community supporters for their continued support and involvement with the program.
- Dr. Fletcher attended the KSBA (KY School Board Association) Winter Symposium with LC Board members Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Roberts, and Mrs. Robinson.
- Dr. Fletcher and Ms. Webb continue to work with the staff of Blaine Middle School on their CSIP (Comprehensive School Improvement Plan).
- Dr. Fletcher also discussed the schedule for the Christmas break. The break begins on Wednesday, December 20th, there is a staff professional development day on January 2nd and students will return on Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024. He wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
In student learning and support services, the board approved the minutes of the November 20, 2023, Regular Meeting and Minutes of the December 11, 2023, Special Meeting.
In finance, the Claims and Orders of the Treasurer, including an additional warrant, were approved. Some of the items included BES playground equipment through a $35,000 grant. There was also a grant from KEDC, which will reimburse the school district for fire extinguishers and alarms. The Monthly Financial Report was presented by Dr. Fletcher, for Ms. Peters, who was absent due to illness. The beginning balance for November was $5,133,466. The total revenue for the month of November was $3,538,602. The expenditures for the month totaled 2,242,781. Fund 1 cash balance for the month of November was $2,038,230. The ending balance of all funds for November was $6,197,200. The balance sheet reflects the balance for each fund as of November 30, 2023.
In presentation, Dr. Fletcher discussed how the goal is to get SEEK funding back on track with prices relevant to today. Dr. Fletcher discussed how inflation in the economy has affected state funding. He hopes funding will be increased to provide more realistic funding scenarios for the district. An example of this is evident in the price of buses. A bus price for 2008 was listed at $902,000. Today, the bus price has increased to $1,310,000.
The LC Board members approved the Consent Agenda. Approved items on the agenda include the Lexia Learning Systems/English Student Subscription for ELS students with a 3-year subscription for $1,785. Also, a trip request/permission for the DRT and District Administrators to travel to Washington, DC for the ASCD Annual Conference in March of 2024. This will be funded through the KEDC Deeper Learning grant awarded to CAO, Katie Webb. There were other items presented and all were approved.
In Construction/Building & Grounds Projects/Updates, the board approved an invoice for $4,084.69 for the LCHS LAVEC Phase 1 construction. They also approved the Codell Construction Pay Estimates for a total of $445,897.10 for the LAVEC Renovation and Expansion Phase 1, which includes the contractors and construction manager invoices. This project is possible through a 9.28-million-dollar grant and with the additional interest accrued through the investment of the grant money.
An invoice was also approved in the amount of $4,621.97 for payment for the professional services by RossTarrant Architects for the LMS Roof Replacement Project. The board also approved a pay application to CPR Construction for $132,133.14 for the work completed on the LCHS Softball Fieldhouse. The project is scheduled to have a check-off date for December 28, 2023. A date and time will be considered for a public ribbon-cutting ceremony to open the facility. Once the date and time are finalized, it will be released to the public. The board approved a change order for $3,097.53, which will be refunded to the school district for signage for the softball facility. LC Schools will be responsible for purchasing the signage for the building once the refund has been completed.
In other action, LC Board member, Maddlene Roberts was appointed as board representative to the 2024-2025 LC District Calendar Committee. The 2024-2025 LC School Calendar will be finalized toward the end of the current school year. The LC Board also approved the 2024-2025 Comprehensive District Improvement Plan and Assurances. They also approved to acknowledge the review and acceptance of 2024-2025 CSIPs for LWES, LEES, BES, FES, LMS, and LCHS.
They also approved the Equipment Addendum Dataseam Partnership Agreement.
The Dataseam program has a new intern, LCHS junior, Ryland Brady. This program has provided at least 225 computers for LC teachers at a price of at least $1500 each. This partnership also allows for important cancer research to be completed through the database.
The LC Board approved the adoption of the Participation Resolution, with the KY Interlocal School Transportation Association (KISTA) authorizing the execution of an equipment lease and security agreement for two school buses.
There was no new business.
There was no personnel action.
The LC Board members approved an amendment to the Classified Salary Schedule to include Home Community Liaisons (FYRSC Coordinator) and FRYSC Clerks (Assistant to the Coordinator). This will provide these positions with pay increases. They also approved a request to extend the Unpaid Leave of Absence for Scott Smith through March 31, 2024.
Dr. Fletcher discussed the Superintendent Professional Growth and Evaluation Update on Standard 4: Human Resource Leadership. He has worked on the salary schedule with the help of other LC School administrators and employees. He is also currently working to evaluate the safety of our schools with a review from the KY Center for School Safety (KCSS). This group recently performed safety evaluations at LMS and LCHS, per the request of LC Schools.
The acknowledgment of the Superintendent's Personnel/Action Update was approved.
The LC Regular Board meeting was adjourned.
The next Regular School Board Meeting will be held on January 16, 2024, at the LCHS library at 6:00 PM. All residents are always invited to attend the Lawrence County Board Meetings to become aware of the issues affecting our students and schools. The meetings may also be viewed virtually through the public viewing link. A copy of the most recent Lawrence County Board agendas and meetings may be found on the current Lawrence County District webpage at