Lawrence County Board of Education
Regular Meeting
November 20, 2023
LCHS at 6:00 PM
The Lawrence County Board of Education held its regular meeting at Lawrence County High School in the library on November 20, 2023, at 6:00 PM. Board members Jim See (Chairman), Maddlene Roberts (Vice Chair), Barbara Robinson, Susie Rice, and Garnett Skaggs were all present in person.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. See. The first order of business was to amend the agenda, which was approved.
Next, were the student and staff presentations/recognitions. Louisa West Elementary School gave presentations on literacy centers, the LETRS program, and Kagan structures. The school was presented with a grant for nearly $3,000, which allowed them to purchase resources for their classrooms. They purchased literacy boards that allow students to learn sequencing and recall skills. LWES has most of its preschool teachers participating in the LETRS program. The program also offers teachers a rank change. The program works toward students mastering reading and phonics skills. The Kagan structures offer collaborative learning. Students learn shared engagement, social interaction, and language development.
The Dolly Parton Imagination Library for Lawrence County children has received two additional donations. The donations were given by the First United Methodist of Louisa Women’s Group and by the Lawrence County Public Library. These donations are very appreciated and will go toward children ages 0-5 receiving free books through the postal service.
In communications, the Superintendent's Update was presented by Dr. Fletcher.
- Dr. Fletcher completed service as chair of the Appalachia Regional Advisory Committee, as appointed by the US Secretary of Education, Dr. Cardona. A 45-page document was submitted with five recommended priority needs for KY, TN, VA, and WV. The five priorities include teacher shortage/retention, chronic absenteeism, teaching pipeline initiative, family engagement, and mental health awareness/assistance. He recently attended the Superintendents Advisory Council, KEDC Board, KASA Coalition, and legislative meetings. Dr. Fletcher has also been invited to attend a reception for the KY Senate Majority Caucus that will be hosted by the University of Pikeville.
- Ms. Webb recently attended an iLead event at Northern Kentucky University, focusing on the intent of adding a computer science pathway within our school system. Students would gain 18-21 college credit hours through this proposed pathway.
- Ms. Brady and Ms. Webb have been working on partnerships with The Jordan Center and the University of KY to add opportunities to the LCHS nursing program. There is also the possibility of adding a dentistry pathway. Dr. Lester contacted LC Schools and discussed a dentistry pathway for students with school administrators.
- Dr. Fletcher recommended that the LC Board put the nickel tax discussions on hold with the latest election results. There are no plans for new, future facilities, due to the lack of funding. The next construction focus will be placed on Louisa Middle School’s need for a new roof.
- A thank you goes out to LC central office staff for their diligence in working numerous hours and recommending a new salary schedule for the remainder of LC Schools classified employees. Thank you to Mrs. Prince, Mr. Burns, Mrs. Peters, Mrs. Adkins, and others.
- There were no public comments.
In student learning and support services, the LC Board approved the minutes of the October 16, 2023, regular meeting. In the claims and orders of the Treasurer, AEDs will be purchased and checked/replaced periodically through CINTAS. The contractor for the district sewer plants, John Pearl Combs, previously provided a corrective action plan for this school district. This plan focused on meeting EPA guidelines, which has helped to save the school district numerous dollars in funding. There were also architect and LAVEC invoices/fees toward new construction.
The Monthly Financial Report was provided by the Finance Officer, Brandi Peters.
The beginning balance for October was $4,937,197. The total revenue for October was $2,468,546. The expenditure for the month totaled $2,314,648. The Fund 1 cash balance for October was $885,209. The ending balance of all funds for October was $5,133,466.
The Consent Agenda was approved by the LC Board members. Some of the approved items include the travel expenses for board members to attend the annual KSBA Winter Symposium, in December 2023 and the KRS-mandated training during the conference. The LCHS gymnasium use of facilities request was approved for the LC Wrestling Club, for an event occurring on Dec 22, 2023. The LCHS FFA received a Better Days Through Better Ways Grant for $1000, which was also approved. The UNITE Service Corps donated $2000 and Pathways donated $4897.80 toward the purchase of vape detectors. Permission was granted to apply for and accept the Robert Billings Rescue Grant for 10 free Acellus Gold Licenses of a value of $10,000 by the LC Special Education Department. Permission was also granted to apply for and accept a KEDC Deeper Learning Mini-Grant by Ms. Webb.
In construction and building and grounds projects/updates, the LC Board approved to award a bid for the Special Inspections (SPIN) and Construction Materials Testing Work related to the LCHS LAVEC-Phase 1. They also approved numerous contractor contracts for the LCHS LAVEC-Phase 1. An invoice for professional services by RossTarrant Architects for the LCHS LAVEC-Phase 1 of the New Carpentry Building & Greenhouse: Sept 1- Sept 30, 2023, $3,902.61 invoice. An invoice for the Softball Facilities Project for $249.40 to RossTarrant was approved. The LC Board approved the Contribution-In-Aid-OF-Construction (CIAC) Agreement for Electric Distribution Service with AEP/KY Power Company for the Softball Facilities Project for $6,216.49. The purchase of indoor turf, as a floor covering in the softball facility, was approved with a recommendation from the Superintendent for $11,569.26. The board approved invoices for professional services by RossTarrant Architects for the Louisa Middle School Roof Replacement project. The Sept 1-Sept 30, 2023, invoice totaled $9,281.74. The Oct 1-Oct 31, 2023, invoice totaled $4,621.88.
Dr. Fletcher and Ms. Webb provided a review of the 2022-2023 KY State Assessment Results. Fallsburg Elementary School and Lawrence County High School both were green schools, which is great news for the district. LCHS had the largest gain from being an orange school in the previous year, to the green status they received this year. Fallsburg Elementary & Middle School were very close to a blue status, which is the highest status possible. Louisa East was points away from becoming a green-status school this year.
Chief Academic Officer, Ms. Webb, provided the Comprehensive District Improvement Plan (CDIP) Progress Monitoring Report for 2022-2023. The improvement plans include professional development, teacher recruitment, new textbook adoption, instructional resources in math, and additional faculty support through KEDC instructional programs.
The board approved the SBDM Council, Achievement Gap Targets for closing the achievement gap for LCHS, LWES, LMS, BES, FES, and LEES.
The acknowledgment to review the revised Procedure of Notice of Suspension was approved by the board. There was no new business.
In personnel, the board approved to update of the 2023-2024 LC Schools Pay Scales/Salary Schedule from previous board action. They also approved the revised 2023-224 LC Schools Salary to reflect the previous food service raises and to include raises for the remaining classified staff effective for the December 22, 2023, payroll.
There was no action in the abolishment, creation, and/or changes regarding positions. The board reviewed and approved the revised job descriptions for the positions of Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, Teacher, District Resource Teacher-General Education, and District Resource Teacher- IDEA.
The board approved the Declaration of Emergency regarding the Music Instructor position at Fallsburg Elementary School for the 2023-2024 school year.
Dr. Fletcher discussed the Superintendent’s Professional Growth and Evaluation Update: Standard 4-Human Resource Leadership. Dr. Fletcher discussed the work on the LC Schools Salary Schedule and its revision needs and relevance.
The acknowledgment of the Superintendent's Personnel/Action Update was approved.
The LC Regular Board meeting was adjourned.
The next Regular School Board Meeting will be held on December 18, 2023, at the LCHS library at 6:00 PM. All residents are always invited to attend the Lawrence County Board Meetings to become aware of the issues affecting our students and schools. The meetings may also be viewed virtually through the public viewing link. A copy of the most recent Lawrence County Board agendas and meetings may be found on the current Lawrence County District webpage at