Lawrence County Special Board of Education Meeting
August 31, 2023
LCHS at 5:00 PM
The Lawrence County Board of Education held a special meeting at Lawrence County High School in the library on July 24, 2023, at 5:00 PM. Board members Jim See (Chairman), Maddlene Roberts (Vice Chair), Barbara Robinson, and Susie Rice were all present in person. Ms. Garnett Skaggs was absent.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. See. The first order of business was communications with LC Superintendent, Dr. Robbie Fletcher.
- Dr. Fletcher invited board members to attend the LCHS FFA banquet at the Extension Office following the board meeting at 6:00 PM.
- The LCHS FFA will also be co-hosting the “Harvest Moon Gala” at Ever After on September 28, 2023, at 7:15 PM.
- KDE provided guidance on tax hearings. Property value assessments have increased for the current year, thus recommending keeping the same rates for real property. It was recommended that the personal property rate be decreased from 58.4 to 57.2.
- The Local Area Vocational Education Center (LAVEC) project will soon be breaking ground on construction! A ground-breaking ceremony will be announced once all construction bids have been placed.
- LCHS Homecoming activities will be in full swing next week.
In the student learning and support services, the board approved the claims and orders of the treasurer. The approval list included bus fuel, laptops, dual credit fees, and fencing for the football field, along with other expenses. Consent agenda items included KVEC memberships and dues, an anti-bullying program for all LC elementary schools, and numerous use of facilities requests.
In construction/building and grounds projects/updates included Mr. Cobb from Codell Construction discussing the rebid process. There were three bids that had not been secured in the previous round of bids. All bids have now been secured. The LC Board approved and awarded the bid packages for the LCHS LAVEC Phase 1 in the amount of $1,461,300.
The Special Board Meeting convened to the LC School District Finance Corporation. The board approved the adoption of a Resolution authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds for school-building purposes. Next, the board approved to re-convene to the Special Board Meeting.
The Fallsburg Elementary School student fees request was approved by the board.
The LC Board approved to enter Executive Session for the purpose of discussion of a specific public record exempted from disclosure. The meeting returned to open session.
The BES, FES, LWES, LEES, LMS, and LCHS School Safety & Health Management Plans were approved.
The LC Board approved the abolishment, creation, and or changes regarding positions.
The acknowledgment of receipt of the Superintendent’s Personnel Action/Update was approved. The LC Board meeting was adjourned.
The next Regular LC School Board Meeting will be held on Monday, September 18, 2023, at the LCHS library at 6:00 PM. All residents are always invited to attend the Lawrence County Board Meetings to become aware of the issues affecting our students and schools. The meetings may also be viewed virtually through the public viewing link. A copy of the most recent Lawrence County Board agendas & meetings may be found on the current Lawrence County District webpage at